Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spice Bags for Warm Winter Drinks

With Autumn officially underway we find there are days that are warm and days that are cold and as the days pass there are more colder days than warmer. Here is something that might help keep your insides warm as well as your hands as you hold your mug and reminisce.

* 8 sticks cinnamon, broken into small pieces
* 2 whole nutmegs, crushed
* 1/3 cup whole cloves
* 1/3 cup minced dried orange peel (or 1/4 cup ground)
* 1/4 cup whole allspice berries
* optional: garnish with cinnamon sticks,
* slice of orange, lemon peel

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Tie in sachets of 1 tablespoon each in a double thickness of cheesecloth; transfer to an airtight container. One sachet of the mixture will flavor 1 quart of cider, tea or wine.

To use, simmer 1 quart of the chosen beverage with 1 sachet for 20 minutes; ladle into mugs. If desired, add a garnish or a sprinkling of additional spirits.

1 comment:

Printersdevil said...

I am so ready for cool weather and spice teas. Love the blog.